Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men
Disciples of Scripture Graduates
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Our prayer is that you have the ability to grow in Jesus and to be empowered to live wholly for Him. He is unrelenting in his pursuit after us. So we encourage you to join a ministry to grow with like-minded believers and together, filled with Holy Spirit, let us de-populate hell for a living in Jesus name.
Learn About Our Ministries
To Disciple A Generation Unto Christ

Disciples of Scripture, also known as DOS is the Discipleship program that missions to disciple young people and teach them how to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in a practical manner. DOS carries out this mission in three ways: biblical teaching, strategic mentorship and practical involvement in the Great Commission.
Women Empowering Nations (WOM’EN) is a discipleship and accountability program that is missioned to equip young ladies to walk in purity, holiness and break barriers of deception by emphasizing and believing the Word of God about women in their lives.
Bold Servants (BOSS) provides the platform for young Christian men of diverse backgrounds to actively engage in God’s word through bible studies and prayer. The mission of Bold Servants is to bring young men together in the community to encourage, equip, and empower them to live purposeful God-ordained.